Project financing
Project financing
The vision of the Nikola Tesla Institute is to act as a bridge between scientific achievements and the energy sector in Serbia. Through our project activities at the local, national, European, and international levels, supported by the SAIGE project, we aim to accelerate the energy transition in Serbia.
Development of green technology to mitigate power transformer failures induced by elemental sulphur
and change current hazardous practice in transformer oil regeneration
Objectives: To enable sustainable green power by mitigation of power transformer failures induced by elemental sulphur, by development of innovative green technology integrated with previous patented technologies
Funding: Fund of the Republic of Serbia, #GRANT No. 6700
Project duration: 20. 05. 2023 – 20. 05. 2025.
Coordinator: Dr. Jelena Lukic
Our role: Development of new technology for the removal of elemental sulphur from transformer oils
Keywords: corrosive sulphur, elemental sulphur, polychlorinated biphenyls, 3PINT, power transformer, transformer oil
Website: https://greencleans.rs/sr/pocetna/
K-BMS - Battery Management and Charging Solution
Objectives: Cutting edge hardware and software battery management system (BMS) which enables charging, monitoring, remote control and alarming, with superior user interaction and top-notch cybersecurity
Funding: Innovation Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Collaborative grant scheme program
Project duration: 2022 – 2024
Coordinator: Khaoticen
Our role: Main partner
Keywords: battery management system, cybersecurity, electrical engineering
Website: https://www.inovacionifond.rs/en/programs/collaborative-grant-scheme-program/funded/psnp-svi-projekti
Teaching critical thinking in science through nanolearning and virtual exchange principles (NanoThink) project
Objectives: The project is a comprehensive initiative aimed at creating a specialised program that encourages critical thinking in science. The principles of virtual learning and so-called focused nano-tools will be used in the development of the program, so that the learning experience will be attractive, interesting and effective for modern generations of students.
Funding: ERASMUS + Virtual Exchange
Project duration: 2024 – 2027
Coordinator: prof. dr. sc Sandra Kraljević Pavelić, Faculty of Health Studies, University of Rijeka
Our role: member of the consortium
Keywords: virtual learning, critical thinking, focused nano-tools
Website: https://nanothink.eu/
Monitoring the Energy Efficiency Pillar for Climate Neutrality
Objectives: The project aims to support policy makers in the countries of the European Commission, Member States (MS) and the Energy Community (EnC) to most effectively implement the framework of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) at the national level. It represents the continuation of previous ODYSSEE-MURE projects. As the previously developed tools have been successfully used in the past, they will be extended from the 27 EU member states to the 9 EnC countries, with the support of a specific "buddy system" of selected partners from the EU27. New tools, such as the web-based energy efficiency policy assessment tool and the policy radar, will strengthen the capabilities of EU Member States and EnC. The project will improve, update and modernize ODYSSEE-MURE tools and databases to support EU and EnC Member States through regional and national events and trainings, as well as newsletters, policy briefs, webinars and social media. In addition, the analysis developed in this project will be expanded through cooperation with the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE), which organizes the most important energy efficiency events, which brings together policy makers, researchers and industry .
Funding: Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)
Project duration: 01.10.2022-31.03.2025
Our role: Participant, member of the Energy Community
Keywords: energy efficiency indicators, energy efficiency measures, Energy Community, EED, ODYSSEE, MURE
Website: https://www.odyssee-mure.eu/