
Innovation activity

Innovation activity

The Nikola Tesla Institute of Electrical Engineering, the leading scientific and research institution in the Republic of Serbia in power engineering, has developed many years of innovative activity.


The Institute's technology transfer office was established in July 2022.

The primary role of the office is to:

  • encourage, supervise and identify potential forms of intellectual property protection in the research and development activities of employees at the Institute,
  • participate in the process of intellectual property protection, analysis of potential markets and different types of commercialization of inventions,
  • participation in negotiations with potential partners and investors.


Researchers submit the application of their inventions to the technology transfer office on the form attached, which is an integral part of the internal Rulebook on Intellectual Property, which entered into force on December 9, 2022. 

Form for Reporting an Invention



Milica Dilparić Cakić

Head of the Technology Transfer Office


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